Just as promised, let me present another shawl, fresh off the needles. Here's Danielle:
Oops, sorry about that! The Puppy likes Danielle too, take your eyes off for a second and she'll install herself right on top of the lace, without any regard for its fragility.
Let's try again. Danielle, in all of its (block-in-progress) glory:
Right, I know pictures are rather unimpressive so far, but would you be eager for an outdoor photo shoot when the outdoor looks like this?
I didn't think so. Wait for the weather to clear, you might say, but with Ireland experiencing the worst summer in decades, this could be quite a wait. A pretty detail will have to do:
A quick knit, simple and lovely (free!) pattern. About a week from start to finish, with a logical, easy to memorize chart. Unless I'm very much mistaken (which could happen, but Ravelry notes confirm my version), one line in chart 5 is off by 1 stitch (per side)*. Easy enough to rectify, just add one stitch near the beginning and the end of the offending row and from there it's smooth sailing.
Yarn: 30% mohair, 20% wool, 50% acrylic, 350m/50g. I ordered it specifically for Danielle - I couldn't imagine so leafy a shawl in colour other than green - and while I love the shade, I'm slightly disappointed by how the yarn feels against the skin. I'd call it borderline scratchy - not quite unpleasant, but definitely not smooth and soft. That's natural fibres for you, I'm afraid. This particular yarn is not too bad, but I've seen (touched!) wools you could flay someone with.
Just something to think about, before you order online :)
* I'm sorry, I forgot to write down exactly which line has the mistake. Now I'm not 100% sure anymore and I don't want to mislead you. You'll see it when you get there :)
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