Look, here's the Giant Sock pictured together with a fitting handmade sock and a commercial sock in my size (just for the joke):
As much as I hate the idea of knitting them anew, I see no other option than frogging the whole thing and re-working them with severely reduced stitch counts. To start with, I'm going to work on 56 rather than 64 stitches. I'll probably make them shorter, too... hell, I think I'll change pretty much all there is to change because in hindsight, the pattern does not really work that well with this particular yarn. I'll use Rebecca's pattern as a springboard, but what I'll end up with, only time can tell.
I'm also going to start soon because I know that if I leave them be for now they'll remain untouched for years, lurking in some dark corner of my stash.
That's the Plan. The Plan may be influenced by two things:
1) suddenly I'm flooded by a shitload of work (you know, work, the nasty stuff that keeps the bills paid and gets you all that yarn. I don't like it either)
2) deadlines for Oceanspray (end of July) and one more - unbloggable - knit gift (three days from today? I'll need a Tardis for that one...) are approaching fast.
I'll keep you posted.
By the way, did I ever mention that my neighbourhood is full of sheep? Look what I saw through my window this morning:
Apologies for the crappy picture, I had to be very sneaky because I didn't want my SHEEPdog to notice and chase the visitors away. The more grass they eat, the less there's left to mow for us :)
Could anyone tell me what breed sheep are they? I strongly suspect that only meat breeds are kept on my mountain but you never know...
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