Remember the Hermione's Everyday Socks I wrote about in the last post? Well, they are all done and have been done for a couple of weeks now.
The lace shawl is almost finished too. I only have to knit up the edging at the end and graft the remaining stitches. Normally I would estimate this to be a 1-2 day job, but the world got a bit crazy and now I suspect it might be a while before I'm done with the thing.
You see, I'm suffering from a stress-related knitting block. There's a housing revolution on the horizon. My 'lovely' landlord renewed our lease for another year, then three weeks later announced that he's selling the place and we will have to move out at some unspecified date. Just after I finished planting all the flower bulbs for the spring! We're having crowds of strangers 'viewing' the place and the whole situation plays merry hell with my sense of privacy and security. I'm a total worrier and my mind keeps tormenting me with all kinds of scary scenarios. As a result, I found myself unable to even touch knitting needles since the bomb dropped. It's funny, knitting is supposed to relax people but I feel almost physical repulsion when I as much as think of sitting down with some yarn. Do you guys ever react this way or is it just me?
I suppose I will be able to get back to some straightforward projects as I get accustomed to the situation but my creativity is dead and buried until things get sorted out. I'm truly pissed off about this because I was just about to start designing an aran sweater.
Life, eh?